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「仮想通貨のターボ税」と呼ばれるTaxbitは、世界の仮想通貨関連のベンチャーキャピタルビジネス市場の大手企業が、500万ドルの資金調達を成功させました。仮想通貨税法の施行がアメリカから海外へと拡大するにつれ、仮想通貨トレーダーを支援する会計事務所はますます注目を集めています。 First, The Pirate Bay has been able to keep operating from its original .org domain name, whereas many other torrent sites have been forced to change domain names, sometimes without enough time to alert their users. Second

It launched as SnapTax in 2011 to great success. So who was behind SnapTax? Surprise! It was an internal project at Intuit, a giant public company that makes finance tools like Quicken and Turbotax.

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